Prisoners across US on strike, demanding an end to free prison labor

Pris­on­ers in at least 20 pris­ons across 11 states have been on strike for near­ly three weeks, refus­ing to report to their prison jobs in what is like­ly the largest prison strike in U.S. history.

A group of inmates at Alabama’s Hol­man prison, the Free Alaba­ma Move­ment called the work stop­page with the stat­ed goal of end­ing prison slavery. 

Pris­on­ers on strike are call­ing for the repeal of an excep­tion list­ed in the 13th Amend­ment to the Unit­ed States Con­sti­tu­tion, which bans “invol­un­tary servi­tude” in addi­tion to slav­ery, “except as a pun­ish­ment for crime where­of the par­ty shall have been duly convicted.”

I’ll write more lat­er, but the links below will fill you in for now.

The Inter­cept

The Mar­shall Project – A Primer on the Nation­wide Pris­on­ers’ Strike
